He was a born King

(Romain Rolland (29 January 1866 – 30 December 1944) was a French writer who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915 "as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings”. Romain Rolland was a lifelong pacifist.)

Romain Rolland, in his biography of Swami Vivekananda, The Life of Vivekananda, wrote: "He was tall (five feet, eight and a half inches), 170 pounds, square-shouldered, broad-chested, stout, rather heavily built; his arms were muscular and trained to all kinds of sports. He had an olive complexion, a full face, vast forehead, strong jaw, a pair of magnificent eyes, large, dark and rather prominent, with heavy lids, whose shape recalled the classic comparison to a lotus petal. Nothing escaped the magic of his glance, capable equally of embracing in its irresistible charm, or of sparkling with wit, irony, or kindness, of losing itself in ecstasy, of plunging imperiously to the very depths of consciousness and of withering with its fury. But his preeminent characteristic was kingliness. He was a born king and nobody ever came near him either in India or America without paying homage to his majesty. "